It was fun to come upon this scene. I was out in Eastern Oregon in the Baker City area, driving through the farmland in near 100 degree heat. I was looking for interesting subjects to shoot at sunset, and came upon this wheat field.
It's not like there are a shortage of irrigated fields in this part of Oregon, but this wheat field had so much to see. While this is a relatively simple photo in terms of subject matter, I feel like it may have been the most substantial photo I took over my 2 days there.
The light on this scene rendered the scene into two dominant colors, making it work much like a sepia toned image. The silhouettes of the heads of what dappled with mist from the irrigation sprinkler add great texture and drama to the scene. Also, I love the symmetry and motion of the water as it leaves the sprinkler head.
To me this photo has everything I look for to separate itself from the rest of my shots and plant itself along side my best. It's simple, it's graphic, it has incredible light, and it doesn't need an explanation. What more can you hope for in a shot?